On Voting

Quite a lot of things are happening, and for most parts of it I am concerned. It's the season for politics and currently in the Philippines, my home, it's the period for elections for the second half of the senate and other seats for the government. Young me would've been probably indifferent to all this, probably because I didn't know any better, and because I really held no voice or any power. But now I can say I do. I'm at the age where I can vote now, practice my rights of suffrage. If there was one thing I wish I knew then what I know know. But aside from that, I'll practice my choice and cast my vote to the people I think should be in the other half of the senate. As of now I already have some names. I'm voting for labor leaders, people with experience with rallying the masses, people that represent their sector like the fisher folks and the farmer folks because with all the problems that face my country right now their the ones who experience them first hand and know our situation and how to fix it. It's really tiring and infuriating to see the houses of government be filled with people of the same surnames, running it like a family business, like imagine putting a landgrabber to fix the solution of our farmers or traitors and cowards to defend our nation from imperial threat. An elite few run the whole scene and it runs deep. Maybe I'm aware that my vote won't change things instantly or if it even matters with the whole numbers game. These people are rich and they have the machinery. But thinking like that won't really do things any better. The situation isn't hopeless and there's always a reason to push and fight for better. I'd like to think of this as my first stone cast. It's my power exercised. I'll play my part.

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